Stephanie Winn is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) based in Oregon. She earned her Master's in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies in 2013. Throughout her career, she has worked in various clinical settings, addressing issues such as anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship problems.
Over time, Winn developed concerns about the prevalent "gender affirmation" approach in therapy, especially after learning about individuals who detransitioned. This led her to question and eventually move away from affirmation practices.
In 2021, she launched the podcast "You Must Be Some Kind of Therapist," where she engages in in-depth conversations on psychology and culture. Additionally, she served as an Associate Producer for the documentary "No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care" and is a Senior Fellow at Do No Harm, a medical ethics organization.
Stephanie had me on her podcast a few weeks back to talk about The Preparation and bring her own unique insights to the table. She was kind, easy to talk to, and asked interesting questions about The Preparation program.
I think you should check it out!
-Maxim Benjamin Smith
I agree with you, Max on what you are saying about college being a waste sometimes, but I think that it depends on the type of college you go to, and what you put into it. Most fortune 500 companies, and the like, INSIST on it, and if you decide to be a doctor or a lawyer or an accountant, or any type of business degreed job......they are looking for that. I actually went to college, and took useless stuff, then worked for about 6 years, went back, and finished. I think trade schools are better, but it is not for all. Most people do online, and finish at their own pace. There are alot of jobs that do not require formal education. They will train you. What college gives you is a process, and if you do not want the process, then it is not important. Only you can decide!...Stay safe back in the states.
With the way the world is in this day and age; we cannot count on anything being permanent, and that is scary, but true. Knowing how to provide for oneself during change is the answer.