The highly promoted ideal of “living your best life” has hijacked our natural inclination to “go forth and multiply”. And with it, our sense of purpose and fulfillment.
“Eat, Pray, Love” is a story of a woman who goes on a journey of self-discovery and learns that loving herself is the most important love of all.
Millions of copies of the book were sold. The film, staring Julia Roberts made hundreds of millions of dollars. This story and others like it inspired countless westerners to pursue a path that has lead us to where we find ourselves today. Lost.
War On Fulfillment
There are two fronts to this silent war…anti-family propaganda and the perverted ideal of absolute individual fulfillment.
“A new study by the Pew Research Center surveyed over 3,800 Americans ages 18 to 49. It found that among non-parents in this cohort, 44% said it's not too likely or not likely at all they'll have kids someday. That's up by 7 percentage points from the 37% of childless adults who said the same in 2018.
More than half of this group (56%) just doesn't want kids.”
-Business Insider
Of course, it’s natural for many people in each generation to choose not to have kids. Yet, the number of those who don’t have kids is steadily increasing.
“Specifically, we surveyed a representative sample of just over 1,000 U.S. adults about their future family planning. Of those without children, about half (52%) do not want to have a child in the future, while 20% remain unsure.
We then asked these individuals whether their decision to not have children was influenced by a wide range of factors. Only 28% of them reported that climate change influenced their decision to not have kids. Similarly, only 33% indicated that housing prices influenced their decision.
Other factors we asked about including the political situation in the United States (31%), safety concerns (31%), personal financial situation (46%) and work-life balance (40%) were endorsed by less than half of respondents.
The only factor that the majority (54%) of Americans who don’t want to have kids endorsed as influencing their decision was maintaining personal independence. “
-USA Today
There’s a lot to unpack here. Climate change (in the way it’s presented) is nothing but propaganda meant to induce fear. Still, many people believe it, and it’s stopping them from having kids.
Their personal financial situation was mentioned in the survey as well. Many of the financial problems young people face can be attributed to “money dysmorphia”, which I covered in a previous article:
(Of course, inflation is destroying everyones ability to save money and provide for themselves too.)
Money Dysmorphia
What’s most telling about this survey is the 54% who aren’t going to have kids to “maintain personal independence”.
One of the biggest factors was personal: having no desire for children and wanting more leisure time, a pattern that has also shown up in social science research.
-The New York Times (2018)
Those who do have kids come to view life from a different perspective. Not only do they cause and witness creation, but they begin to live life for something other than themselves. They take on more responsibility, and bear the burden to nurture, care, and build their child.
There is an undeniable beauty in that. A beauty which people are trying to take away from you.
Tucker Carlson believes the complete opposite of what we are told to believe today. He thinks people should have kids young, get married young, take a job you aren’t qualified for…he wants people to life live fully.
Here’s a clip of Tucker on the Lex Fridman Podcast talking about having kids:
Most of my generation are in high school or just out of college. As a whole, we are completely unprepared to face the world. The time we spent is school has been a waste.
We don’t gain truly useful knowledge from the countless hours we spend in the classroom. In fact, we are much worse off than we would be if we didn’t go to school at all.
Valuable time is being lost at school, and worse, our minds are being filled with fear-inducing propaganda.
Fear and Loathing
Years ago I was going to a private middle school just outside of Denver. On several occasions I remember my teachers speaking of overpopulation and the threat of climate change.
One afternoon in science class they sat us down for a “socratic seminar”. Our teacher asked us about climate change. Is it real? What kind of threat does it pose to us?
A few students raised their hands, each stating that it could potentially be a problem in the future. Though, none of them looked especially worried about it. Then, I decided to raise my hand. I don’t remember exactly what I said, but it was something along the lines of, “Climate change is a scam”.
Another student lashed out after I said this, telling me to “prepare for the floods”. Afterwards, a few more students raised their hands to say that they agreed with me, that climate change isn’t a threat.
Well, the teacher must not have liked that because she quickly shut the conversation down.
The point is, these agendas that are pushed on us are meant to trigger an emotional response. The natural inclination towards compassion in young people causes many to succumb to these agendas.
The world is going to burn up? Well, I’m not going to have kids then. How could I subject them to that?
A recent Pew Research Center Survey revealed that of childless adults who think they won't have kids, 5% cited environmental reasons as a factor in their decision. And a Morning Consult poll of 4,400 Americans found that one in four childless adults say climate change influenced their reproductive decisions.
-Business Insider
The objectives of the powers that be are nothing short of insidious. The best place to start making people afraid of the future is in the classroom when they are young and their minds are open.
The goal is to point people away from doing good, to live lives of perversion, to hate what is beautiful, and love what is ugly.
The Solution?
Fear multiplies when action is absent.
As more and more fear is spread, the best thing you can do is cast it aside. Do the things you know you should do.
Start doing things that are clearly and obviously good. If you are a parent you need to take a look into your child’s school. Why? To figure out what exactly is being taught to your children.
“Conduct a thorough investigation into your child’s school…chances are your eyes will widen, your blood pressure will rise, and your jaw will tighten.”
You cannot let the agenda of fear consume them.
If you’re young, you might want to take Tucker Carlson’s advice. First, build yourself into someone worth having kids with, then do it. Life isn’t about maintaining a work-life balance, it isn’t about making your way back to the job you hate after a weekend of beer and sports.
Life itself is about creation, that is where beauty is found. Having kids is the most direct form of creation, and likely the most important. No matter who you are or where you are, you can begin to build yourself into the person you wish to be.
You can make the things around you better. You can make the lives of those you love more rich. You can learn how to build a house with your own two hands…
Create. Create. Create.
So far, I think the best way for a young person to make themselves into a creator, instead of just a consumer, is through The Preparation.
About The Preparation:
I am being used as a beta-tester for a program which is meant to prepare young men for the future. This program is designed to be a replacement for the only three routes advertised to young men today - go to college, the military, or a dead-end job.
All of these typical routes of life are designed to shape us into cogs for a wheel that doesn’t serve us. Wasted time, debt, lack of skills, and a soul crushing job define many who follow the traditional route.
This program, which we can call “The Preparation”, is meant to guide young men on a path where they properly utilize their time to gain skills, build relationships, and reach a state of being truly educated. The Preparation is meant to set young men up for success.
Young men today do not have a guiding light. We have few mentors and no one to emulate. We have been told that there are only a few paths to success in this world. For intelligent and ambitious people - college is sold to us as the one true path. And yet that path seems completely uncertain today.
We desperately need something real to grab onto. I think this is it.
I’m putting the ideas into action. Will it work? I can’t be sure, but I’m doing my best. I’m more than 19 weeks into the program at this point. So far, so good.
You can follow me along as I follow the program. Each week, I summarize all that I did.
My objective in sharing this is three fold:
Documenting my progress holds me accountable.
I hope these updates will show other young men that there is another path we can take.
For the parents who stumble upon this log, I want to prove to you that telling your children that the conventional path - college, debt, and a job is not the foolproof path you think it is.
Narcissism is at all time highs, beating envy by a nose.
{...create, create, create...} BINGO !!!
You are 24/7/365/grave deliberately prevented from creating if you stay in the Matrix. The overlords do that for the plebes (for the overlords good ...) !!
A variety of hard- & soft skills, languages, high mental flexibility, resilience, perseverance, good morals with compassion and empathy, sense of responsibility towards yourself & others, then a certain financial independence and love of simple but clean life far away from the so-called modern mass civilization will open the doors to create whatever you dream of ... step by step by step.
Despacito, despacito ...